Saral Billing
1.Product Billing and Inventory
- Quick Bill – Prepare bill with only 5 'Enter' Key press
- Truly Multi-tasking – open multiple bill entry screens
simultaneously for different customers - Set multiple Alternate units and generate Bill on Both Units
- Free Quantity - Receipt and Issue
- Pre Tax and Post Tax Charges entry
- Bar Code enabled, Batch No / Serial No Tracking
- View past purchase and Selling rates while billing
- Counter Billing with option to accept Cash/Credit/Debit
Card/Food Coupons and cash to be returned - Sales Man/Route wise Receipt Entry
- Sales Man/Route wise Material Loading Sheet
- Bulk Receipt
- e-Sugam (VAT 505)
2.Pricing and Discounts
- MRP based billing and VAT calculation
- Multiple Price Grouping, Multiple Discounts
- Handles Price Inclusive of Tax and Exclusive of Tax
- Update MRP, Selling Price and Discounts via Excel
- On Negative Stock, Expired Batch etc
- Customer Credit Limit
- On Minimum, Maximum and Re-order level
- Tax invoice without TIN / CST
- Same item in invoice
4.Views and Reports
- More than 20 types of Invoice Formats
- Print in DOS, Laser or Thermal with Options for
Continuous paper or A4 or A5 or Bill Printer - Easily Customize DCs and Invoices
- Sales Man/Area/Street/PIN wise Outstanding Reports
with Ageing - Report for stock items Ageing
- Stock Summary, Stock Ledger, Stock List, Day Book, VAT summary
- Purchase/sales register
- VAT Computation report
- Material sent but not billed report
- Reconcile Party Ledger, Balance Confirmation
- MIS Reports and Analytics – fast moving items,
Customer/Item History etc - Email Invoices, PO's, Balance Confirmation etc
- Report Writer for Analysis
- Scheduled Auto Backup
- Security Control
- Document Attachments
- Label/Cover Printing
- Search From Anywhere
- Dash Board for Ready view
- Many Time saving options
- MS- SQL Database
- Auto download /update
Saral Accounts
- Complete Accounting with Voucher entry, Accounting Books and Final Statements
- Templates creation for Vouchers
- Auto Receipt and Payment for Cash Transactions
- Interest calculation on balance outstanding
- Auto Bank Reconciliation (BRS) and General ledger
- Budget Management and comparison with actuals
- Multiple Modes to capture Closing Stock
- Auto Cheque Printing
- Bulk Payment and Receipt entry
- TDS and Service tax auto calculation in journal expenses
2.Product Billing and Inventory
- Quick Bill – Prepare Counter bill with only 5 ‘Enter’ Key press
- Set multiple Alternate units for items and generate Bill on Both Units
- Inward transaction-PO/DC Inward/Purchase Invoice/Purchase Return
- Outward Transactions-Sales Order/Proforma Invoice/DC
out/Rejection Inward/Sales Invoice/Sales Return - Easy Barcode Integration and Generation
- Batch with Expiry date/warranty details and Serial No. wise Billing
- Sales person and Route wise Billing
- More than 50 Invoice formats of different page size and compatible with all type of printers
- Stock Journal Transactions- Stock Transfer/Physical Stock/Stock Issue and Stock Receipt.
- Local Language Invoice generation
- Sales person wise commission calculation on Quantity/Bill amount
- Previous purchase and Sale rates while billing
- Multi counter billing with option to accept Cash/Credit/Debit card and Coupons
- Auto Batch generation with prefix and suffix
- MIS Reports and Analytics - fast moving items, Customer/Item History
3.Pricing and Discounts
- Complete Scheme Module
- VAT Calculation on MRP and Sales Price
- Multiple Price Grouping and Multiple Discounts
- Handles Price Inclusive of Tax and Exclusive of Tax
- Cash/Special discount option
- Item level/Bill level Tax and discount
4.Service Invoice
- Point of Taxation Rule base Invoicing
- Partial Reverse Charges Mechanism
- Bulk Service invoice Generation and quick invoice generation for repetitive billing
- Create Sub services under Main and manage multi services invoicing
- Invoice in Single series with multiple formats
- Formula fields for unit and amount calculation
5.Views and Reports
- Day Book/Sales Register/Purchase Register/Cash and Bank Book/ General Ledger/ Receipts and Payments, Outstanding Reports with Ageing for Bills Outstanding
- Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, Ratio analysis, Comparison with Budget and Prior periods, Funds Flow and Cash Flow etc
- Enhanced Cost Centre views with option to edit Cost Centre in Bulk
- Transactions Register for Purchase Order, Sales Order, Stock Journals etc
- Sales Person wise, Route wise, Log sheet, Summary and Outstanding
- Customizable PO/Delivery Challan/Quotation/Invoice/DC out/ etc
- Quotation Vs Billed and Pending, Sales Order Received Vs Billed and Pending, DC out Vs Billed and Profit view
- Stock Summary, Stock Ledger, Stock List, Stock Ageing and Expiry goods
- Stock in Primary and Alternate Units and Serial number wise Stock
- TDS Certificates Received and Due
6.Added Benefits
- Multi - tasking - Maximum multiple transaction parallely
- Emailing, Push mail and SMS option for all reports
- Dash board with a real-time graphical view of your business
- Search' from anywhere and Document Management to manage
- Word\excel\jpeg files
- Multiple level security, user level/module level and Counter sales.
- Service AMC tracking and loyalty points
- Details to capture auditor notes for all transactions
- Export/Import to MS Excel
- Handel large volumes of Data
- Reliable Training and Support services via Online (Live Chat &Call Back), Onsite, Telephone and Email
- Generation of VAT computation
- E-Sugam Generation- Karnataka
- E-UP@SS Uploading of Purchase and Sales Statement for Karnataka
- Inter-state forms management ( C form, H form, I form) etc.
- Karnataka, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan and Maharashtra VAT Reports VAT e-Returns for (Karnataka, Gujarat, Haryana* and Maharashtra*)
- TDS Management and Service Tax computation
- Negative cash and bank balance
- Credit days and credit limit
- Negative Stock, Minimum Stock, Maximum Stock and Reorder stock level
- Party ledger without TIN/CST
- Expiry Goods
- Same item multiple times in a invoice
- Sales rate less than purchase rate